How is Plasmage Used in Moles and Warts Treatment?
Moles and warts can appear almost anywhere on the body. Moles and warts that cause cosmetic problems or discomfort can be easily treated in a single session with plasmage.
Before the application, the area is numbed with local anesthetic cream, plasmage is applied to the areas with moles or warts. Washing after application does not cause problems.After the application, there will be scabs in the area, these scabs will fall off spontaneously in 3-10 days. A superficial scab forms in the application area. The scab falls off spontaneously within 3-10 days depending on the area.The application usually gives results in one session.
How is Plasmage Applied?
First of all, the application area is cleaned with antiseptic liquid.Then local anesthetic cream is applied. After 20 minutes of waiting time, the procedure is performed.
Plasmage acts by converting the gaseous nitrogen and water vapor into plasma with high energy.The ion cloud formed as a result of the interaction affects the skin surface and provides very rapid regeneration.
How Long Does Plasmage Application Take?
Depending on the size of the area to be treated, it takes between 5 and 20 minutes after local anesthesia.
What Should I Pay Attention to After Plasmage Application?
After the procedure, the patient can return to social life immediately.It is sufficient to use sun protection for only 8-10 days.No dressing is required, the patient is invited for follow-up after 10 days.
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